You Deserve to Know About ALL Your Choices.
When I was diagnosed with stage IIb invasive ductal carcinoma in July 2021, my doctors told me I needed immediate chemotherapy. My surgeon wanted to do a double mastectomy with reconstruction. My radiation oncologist wanted me to do at least 6 weeks of radiation. This all felt like too much - and it didn’t feel like anything I wanted to do. After all, I had no symptons and felt fine, except for being tired. But I am a working mom of three - “tired” goes with the territory. I read “Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book”, which is incredibly descriptive for anyone diagnosed with breast cancer, but it seemed devoid of hope to me. It seemed to say, “too bad, here are your options…” and I didn’t like any of them.
A friend who had recently been diagnosed with uterine cancer shared with me her desire to avoid toxic treatments. She turned me on to several resources, including the book, “Chris Beat Cancer” by Chris Wark. I was hooked! I knew the story of Louise Hay, the founder of Hay House, who healed her own cancer with affirmations and self-love. I knew I wanted to try anything other than the “Standard of Care” my doctors were offering.
I found a wonderful book, “Beating Cancer with Nutrition” by Patrick Quillan. This was more like what I was looking for! I also read “Eat to Beat Disease” by William W. Li, M.D. and “The Gerson Therapy” by Charlotte Gerson. I found all sorts of experts who had healed cancer through food so I knew in my heart this was a valid choice for me.
The next book I found was “Radical Remission”, by Kelly Turner, PhD. What I love about this book is that the title describes a phenomenon that most doctors won’t even consider - cases of radical remission (aka spontaneous remission), where people spontaneously heal from terminal cancer. They can’t explain it, so they leave it out of the equation. To me, it IS the equation. There are factors that promote healing within each of us, and it is within our power to heal. This book explores nine factors that contribute to healing, in even the most dire cases.
I listened to Deepak Chopra’s “Perfect Health” 21 day meditation challenge daily. Dr. Chopra talks about the body’s incredible power to heal itself, and how western medicine has figured out only about 10% of what the body-mind is capable of.
All of these wonderful resources filled me with hope, and I went “against medical advice” to follow my own intutitive path.
I opted for a lumpectomy, to remove my large-ish tumor (around 4 cm), and immune-boosting treatments instead of toxic ones. I found a naturopath who was willing to work with me to boost my immune system. I did all sorts of natural therapies like vitamin C and immune boosting IVs, lymphatic drainage massage, meditation, intermittent fasting, supplements, vegetable and fruit juices and more plant-based foods in my diet. I also worked on my self-love. This is important for all aspects of our lives!
Now, two years later, I am cancer-free and thriving. You can be, too.
When I asked about treating cancer with nutrition, my doctors balked. After all, there is no money to be made if we heal ourselves. Yet there are more and more resources and stories surfacing about how natural healing is a viable and desirable option. Every time I encounter a new resource, I plan to add it here!
I hope these resources fill you with hope, and give you the confidence to choose whichever path feels right to you.
With love and healing light -
Kristi Swensson Burdsall
Chris Beat Cancer
Radical Remission
The Gerson Protocol
You Can Heal Your Body
Eat to Beat Disease
Wellness Coaching
Breascue 5K
Health Providers